I have learned that in order for me to see the light, I have to be committed to my practice of staying balanced. This helps me to not react and be fearful of the stories that darkness can bring to me. Also, learning to listen to my body has been important, as well as finding strategies to regulate and calm me when my body begins to feel a wave forming beneath my feet.
On this election day, feeling the tide coming in, I read through my Buddha Doodles by Molly Hahn. I then looked through pictures of my loved ones. These "Velcro Moments" help me see the connections and light when I feel a cloud of darkness surrounding me. I also had the opportunity to participate in an amazing guided meditation titled, "Accepting Change" by Sarah Blondin. Westwood Hills beckoned me to explore with my beloved dog, Bow. So quiet and peaceful with the brilliant sun shining upon us, we enjoyed the sights, smells, and sounds of nature. At that moment we were fine. All was well and as I write this, the same is true. Staying in the moment is the key to learning, growing, and moving forward.
Before I knew the results of the election, I felt compelled to write this. After I wrote it, I asked myself if I would feel the same way, if the candidate I voted for won or lost. Looking it over today I can say, "Yes, I feel the same."
Today is November 8, 2016, election day in the United States of America. It is the culmination of a race that has been driven by fear and worry about our future. In order for change to happen, a glass ceiling must be broken. As I reflect on this presidential race, both republicans and democrats have chosen candidates that have defied tradition which open us up to new possibilities for the future. As women we can now see ourselves as a part of the dream of holding the highest office in the United States of America. We have also seen through this election that it is possible to run for president even if politics was not your chosen career path.
Breaking a glass ceiling moves us into an unknown way of being in the world where we seek predictable patterns for comfort. Our mind attempts to understand and make sense of change so it looks for the predictable, even if it is not happy with it. When we realize that falling apart must happen for growth and movement forward, we can change our perspective from seeing change as something to fear, but instead as something that is an inevitable part of life.
It makes me think of the writing process. Once a draft is completed it is often difficult to imagine it being different, because it is done and seemingly complete. Sometimes, though, our document doesn't save and we are forced to start again. After the panic subsides, the work of rewriting can begin which often leads to new ideas that wouldn't have been a part of the original work. That is what this election is bringing forward.
When we surrender to what is out of our control, we can then observe the light and dark moments that come forward in times of great change. All may not see it yet, but start observing and noticing, you will be surprised to see the small positive shifts that are happening around you. Yes, there will be darkness, but deliberately shift your focus to the bright spots that surface. When you find them in places that you wouldn't have expected, gratitude will fill your heart. These moments in time help us to trust in the journey and the love that connects us all together.
What I am learning is that I cannot control what is happening in the world beyond me. Trying to do this only ends up hurting me and does not change the reality of what is. But I can choose the perspective I take on how I interpret the changes I am seeing. I choose to reflect on past experiences where I was sure darkness would prevail, but to my surprise life moved on and light emerged despite my fear that darkness would persist into eternity.
Can you think of a time in the past where you were sure darkness would prevail, but light emerged?
I have found that choosing to see the light that comes from darkness and embracing change with love and not fear allows my imagination to dream big! There are many pathways to a desired destination. We don't all have to agree on one, but together we can see these unsettling times as opportunities to examine our systems and make changes that will support us all.
From my perspective, I see two parties that have broken through a glass ceiling which is a shift that connects the two parties together. The system has been shaken up so it can change and evolve which will inevitably impact and further our progress together as a nation. I choose optimism. I choose to believe in the inherent goodness of life and the universe. Please join me. Together we can make what seems impossible, possible!